AJAX导轨使用JavaScript .submit复选框()导轨、复选框、AJAX、submit

2023-09-10 16:59:25 作者:情深緣淺

我用Rails 3.1,我需要一个复选框来切换,并保存到数据库中,而不在页面刷新或重新定向。

I'm using Rails 3.1 and I need a checkbox to toggle and save to the database without the page refreshing or redirecting.


Let me preface by saying i'm fairly novice, if i'm coming at this problem from the wrong angle please let me know.


<% form_for book, :remote => true do |f| %>
   <%= f.check_box :finished %>
<% end %>

下面是我的jQuery JavaScript的:

Here is my jQuery javascript:

$('input#book_finished').live("click", function() {


The :remote = > true doesn't work when I submit via jQuery, but does if I throw in a submit button (which I can't have). How can I submit on clicking the checkbox though JS?



Your code so far only handles the submitting via a click on the checkbox. In order to submit the form via AJAX, you'll still have to catch the submit event, prevent the default behavior and send the form data:

    type: this.method,
    url: this.action,
    data: $(this).serialize(),
    success: function(){
      ... // do something in case everything went find
  return false;