2023-09-10 16:49:59 作者:抹不去的悲伤


I'm trying to send HTML that is in a form to a server-side script so I can save it in the database. What I'm sending is a query string, and every time the HTML contains a character like a comma or ampersand, the rest of the HTML gets truncated at that point.



发送请求时,你应该适当的URL连接code parameteres:

When sending a request you should properly URL encode parameteres:

    url: 'foo.php',
    data: { html: '<html>You can use whatever characters you want here</html>' },
    type: 'GET',
    success: function(result) {


    url: 'foo.php',
    data: { html: $('#someTextFieldWhichMightContainHtml').val() },
    type: 'GET',
    success: function(result) {


现在你可以放心地阅读 HTML 变量在你的PHP脚本: $ GET [HTML]

Now you can safely read the html variable in your PHP script: $.GET["html"].


I suppose that right now your code looks something like this:

    url: 'foo.php?html=' + $('#someTextField').val(),
    type: 'GET',
    success: function(result) {

