
2023-09-10 16:44:32 作者:要么留要么滚

在一个JavaScript(客户端)+ PHP(服务器)的网站,我有这个计划保存的在线记事本(在#文本框文本域)服务器:


           成功:功能(数据){警报(数据保存); },
           错误:功能(数据){的console.log(数据); }});

这在服务器端( /php/save.php ):

 < PHP

$项目名称= $ _ POST ['项目名称'];
$数据= $ _ POST ['数据'];


js ajax通用方法,目前5个流行的AJAX调用JavaScript库

什么是相当于后到服务器并保存在服务器上方案中的Node.js(客户端+服务器)?(使用 EX preSS 为例)


它是常见的/很好的做法,使用 $。阿贾克斯(...)客户端和node.js的服务器?我想Node.js的推出一种新的思维方式,使得AJAX的不需要-了......我错了?

解决方案      什么是相当于后到服务器并保存在服务器上方案中的Node.js(客户端+服务器)? (使用前preSS为例)   


客户端: -


           网址:/ PHP /保存,
           成功:功能(数据){警报(数据保存); },
           错误:功能(数据){的console.log(数据); }});

和服务器端: -

  router.post('/ PHP /保存,功能(REQ,RES){//服务器端
    VAR PROJECTNAME = req.body.projectname;
    VAR数据= req.body.data;

在这里,我收到节点后数据的方式,我需要需要身体解析器模块 所以这应该在顶部加入,

  VAR bodyParser =需要('身体解析器');



$阿贾克斯(...)在客户端: - 中 - 当然,为什么不..不,我们使用 $阿贾克斯(...)当我们使用不同的后端技术,如.NET或Java?所以没有必要改变您的前端,它只是要在后端


在服务器上的节点: - 现在,这是基于相当的意见,节点是新的,我们的JavaScript开发人员喜爱的节点,因为它是在服务器端和客户端的单一技术,以及,我想说的节点是太棒了..但也有其他人谁也说,节点都是扯淡。我宁愿跳过回答这一部分。


我想你是指向的WebSockets 。是的节点是一种思维方式不同。这并不能真正取代AJAX,你可以在这里找到的一些信息


如果你不需要说的WebSockets提供具体的好处,那么它可能是一个更好的主意,坚持如AJAX和彗星的现有技术,因为这可以让你重新使用,用的工具,技术,庞大的现有生态系统的整合,安全机制,知识基础(上计算器即更多的人知道HTTP / AJAX /彗星比的WebSockets),等等。


所以Node.js的推出一种新的思维方式,使得AJAX并不需要的,不再是 错了!的

In a JavaScript (client) + PHP (server) website, I have this scheme for saving an "online notepad" (in a #textbox textarea) to server:

// client-side
$("#save-button").on('click', save); 

function save(e) {
  $.ajax({ type: "POST",
           url: "/php/save.php",
           data: { projectname: $('#projectname').text(), 
                   data: $('#textbox').text() },
           success: function(data) { alert('Data saved'); },
           error: function(data) { console.log(data); } });

and this on server-side (/php/save.php):


$projectname = $_POST['projectname'];
$data = $_POST['data'];

// save this into database


What is the equivalent "post to server and save on server" scheme in node.js (client+server)? (using express for example)

Is there a well-known node.js "pattern" for such task?

Is it common / good practice to use $.ajax(...) on client and node.js on server? I thought node.js introduced a new way of thinking, making ajax not-needed-anymore... am I wrong?


What's the equivalent "post to server and save on server" scheme in node.js (client+server)? (using express for example)

being specific to your code, it should be looking something like this.


$("#save-button").on('click', save);

function save(e) {
  $.ajax({ type: "POST",
           url: "/php/save",
           data: { projectname: $('#projectname').text(), 
                   data: $('#textbox').text() },
           success: function(data) { alert('Data saved'); },
           error: function(data) { console.log(data); } });

And server side:-

router.post('/php/save', function(req, res) {   // server side
    var projectName = req.body.projectname;
    var data = req.body.data; 
    // save the data here to database

here the way I receive the post data in node, I need to require body-parser module so this should be added at the top,

var bodyParser = require('body-parser');

this will parse your http request body so you can access the parameters directly as req.body.data.

Is it common / good practice to use $.ajax(...) on client and node.js on server?

$.ajax(...) on client :- Of-course , why not.. don't we use $.ajax(...) when we use different backend technologies like .net or java? So there is no need for changing your front end, It is just you are using a different technology on the back-end

node on server :- Now this is quite opinion based, node is new, we javascript developers love node, because it is single technology on serverside and client as well, I would say node is fantastic.. but there are other people who would say node is crap. I would rather skip answering this part.

node.js introduced a new way of thinking, making ajax not-needed-anymore...

I think you are pointing towards websockets. yes node is a different way of thinking. This does not really replace ajax, you can find some info here

The purpose of WebSockets is to provide a low-latency, bi-directional, full-duplex and long-running connection between a browser and server. WebSockets open up new application domains to browser applications that were not really possible using HTTP and AJAX (interactive games, dynamic media streams, bridging to existing network protocols, etc).

If you don't need the specific benefits that WebSockets provide, then it's probably a better idea to stick with existing techniques like AJAX and Comet because this allows you to re-use and integrate with a huge existing ecosystem of tools, technologies, security mechanisms, knowledge bases (i.e. far more people on stackoverflow know HTTP/Ajax/Comet than WebSockets), etc.

And this is not node.js specific thing, you can still implement websockets in other technologies as well.

So node.js introduced a new way of thinking, making ajax not-needed-anymore is wrong !