ID VS的UniqueID VS客户端ID VS UniqueClientID VS StaticClientID?客户端、VS、ID、UniqueID

2023-09-11 00:53:15 作者:早无谓i


Okay, I'm pretty confused about the IDs of dynamically created controls.

Public Class TestClass
    Inherits Panel
    Implements INamingContainer

    Function TestClassInit() Handles Me.Init

        Dim pnlMainPanel As New Panel

        Dim pnlTest1 As New Panel

        pnlTest1.ClientIDMode = UI.ClientIDMode.Inherit ' DEFAULT
        'pnlTest1.ID = "ctl01"
        'pnlTest1.UniqueID = "ctl00$MainPanel$ctl01"
        'pnlTest1.ClientID = "MainPanel_ctl01"
        'pnlTest1.UniqueClientID = "ctl00_MainPanel_ctl01"
        'pnlTest1.StaticClientID = ""

        pnlTest1.ClientIDMode = UI.ClientIDMode.Predictable
        'pnlTest1.ClientID = "MainPanel_ctl01" (no change)

        pnlTest1.ClientIDMode = UI.ClientIDMode.AutoID
        'pnlTest1.ClientID = "ctl00_MainPanel_ctl01"

        pnlTest1.ClientIDMode = UI.ClientIDMode.Static
        'pnlTest1.ClientID = ""

    End Function
End Class

为什么5个不同的ID ??

Why the 5 different IDs??


When should you use the different ID modes?


(I read the MSDN docs, but they were, as usual, not particularly illuminating.)

如果我不在乎的什么的ID是,只是想添加一个控制及;到动态添加AJAX扩展,模式/ ID组合,我应该用这给它的ID?

If I don't care what the ID is, and just want to add a control & give its ID to a dynamically added AJAX extender, which mode/ID combo should I use?


ID是你在code。使用服务器端的ID。 的唯一ID对应生成的HTML元素的name属性。 的客户端ID对应生成的HTML元素的id属性。所以,这取决于它的属性,你需要(名发送表单后,ID用于DOM操作)。 不知道uniqueclientid是:)

ASP.Net 4增加的ClientIDMode它允许你强制id属性相匹配的服务器端ID(因此更predictable),如果你将其设置为静态。

ASP.Net 4 adds clientIdMode which allows you to force the id attribute to match the serverside id (and thus be more predictable) if you set it to "static".
