
2023-09-10 16:16:07 作者:我宣你你造吗

我要寻找的Ruby上传解决方案on Rails的,我可以同时上传多个大型图像文件,并显示进度,上传者,让他们知道该文件被上传。我无意中发现了Plupload这似乎完美的我想要做的,但我找不到任何的Ruby on Rails的例子就如何将其纳入我的应用程序。任何线索,基本的例子,甚至有更好的Rails文档替代方法将大大AP preciated。

I am looking for an upload solution for Ruby on Rails where I can upload multiple large image files simultaneously and show the progress to the uploader so they know the files are being uploaded. I stumbled onto Plupload which seems perfect for what I'm trying to do, but I can't find any Ruby on Rails examples on how to incorporate into my application. Any leads, basic examples, or even alternative methods with better Rails documentation would be greatly appreciated.



我不Plupload任何经验。您可以尝试 uploadify 或 SWFUpload的。两者都允许上传多个文件和任何显著Plupload做,需要的Flash安装。在我看来uploadify更容易实现比SWFUpload的,这是非常个性化。

I haven't any experience with Plupload. You can try uploadify or swfupload. Both allow to upload multiple files and whatever significant Plupload do and require Flash to be installed. In my opinion uploadify easier to implement than swfupload and it is very customizable.


uploadify_paperclip_demo swfupload_demo uploadify_paperclip_demo swfupload_demo


You can find more examples on github.com. And you need some file attachment plugin on back-end like paperclip or attachment-fu.


You can find some tips on image preview before form submitting here. And if you use nested forms, here is complex-form-examples. See the unobtrusive-jquery branch. You can add new child on onComplete event of uploadify.


I use uploadify with paperclip, preview and nested forms.



Here are some examples how to use Plupload in RoR:

文件上传和Rails 3,Plupload和CarrierWave

的Ruby on Rails +回形针+ PlUpload