
2023-09-11 00:45:16 作者:让我来保护你つ

任何人知道如何解决这个问题的jQuery插件的历史? (阿贾克斯历史和书签)

Anyone knows how to fix this jQuery History plugin? (for ajax history and bookmark)

在 http://github.com/tkyk/jquery-history -plugin /问题#问题/ 5


使用IE 8的IE 7兼容模式我的应用程序以及的http:// www.serpere.info/jquery-history-plugin/samples/ajax ,这是使用IE 8的默认模式,似乎有这样的问题:

My app using IE 8's IE 7 Compatibility Mode as well as http://www.serpere.info/jquery-history-plugin/samples/ajax, which is using IE 8's default mode, seem to have this problem:



现在点击一个书签,并尝试一下其他的,来回。网页内容不被更新。在目前的Firefox和Chrome浏览器,它的工作原理。在IE 8中,事实并非如此。同样如此,如果你直接从#2#3修改散列值

now click one bookmark, and try clicking the other, back and forth. The page content is not updated. In the current Firefox and Chrome, it works. In IE 8, it doesn't. Also true if you directly modify the hash value from #2 to #3

P.S。我确信它是可以解决的,因为如果使用Facebook在IE 8,

http://www.facebook.com/someusername? V =信息#!/ someusername?V =信息 http://www.facebook.com/someusername?v=info #!/ someusername?V =墙

效果很好,如果在2书签用户之间的切换。 (由上面的一些真实用户名替补someusername)

works well if the user toggle between the 2 bookmarks. (substitute someusername by some real user name above)


尝试balupton的 jQuery的历史插件来代替。

Try balupton's jQuery History plugin instead.