运行PHP code,当用户点击链接并传递变量变量、链接、用户、PHP

2023-09-10 14:40:29 作者:无邪.

我需要从外部服务器时,用户点击一个链接运行PHP code。链接无法直接导致PHP文件,所以我想我需要使用AJAX / jQuery来运行PHP?但是,我怎么能做到这一点,我怎么能传递一个变量的链接?

I need to run a PHP code from external server when user clicks a link. Link can't lead directly to PHP file so I guess I need to use AJAX/jQuery to run the PHP? But how can I do it and how can I pass a variable to the link?


< A HREF =运行code.html ID ='+ ID +'?> 然后运行code.html会有一个AJAX / jQuery的code,它会发送变量到PHP?

<a href="runcode.html?id=' + ID + '"> and then runcode.html will have an AJAX/jQuery code that will send that variable to PHP?



use something like this in you page with link



in the same page put this somewhere on top

<script language='javascript'>
var data1 = 'someString';
var data2 = 5;//some integer
var data3 = "<?php echo $somephpVariable?>";


url : "phpfile.php (where you want to pass datas or run some php code)",
data: "d1="+data1+"&d2="+data2+"&d3="+data3,
type : "post",//can be get or post
success: function(){
        alert('success');//do something

return false;


在URL中的网址:阿贾克斯提交 你可以通过获取这些DATAS 对于examlple

on the url mentioned in url: in ajax submission you can fetch those datas passed for examlple

$data1 =$_POST['d1'];
$data2 =$_POST['d2'];
$data3 =$_POST['d3'];
//now you can perform actions as you wish
