
2023-09-10 14:18:26 作者:念舊念舊念伱妹的舊丶


I am using a submenu to display a div from an external html file in a div in the master.html file.


I have looked through at least 20 examples of similar related things but cannot for the life of me get my code to work and unfortunately while I know why I don't know how to solve the problem.


So I have a sub menu defined in css:

#subnav ul li#subone a:hover{color:#ffffff; background-color: #1e3435;}


I Have master.html with the html for the submenu

<div id="subnav" >
        <li id="subone"><a href="#">About</a></li>
        <li id="subtwo"><a href="home.html">Home</a></li>


和我使用这个JavaScript code用的jquery.js包括在报头:

And I am using this javascript code with the jquery.js included in the header:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(".subnav ul li a") .click(function(e){
        $('#content2').load( 'abc.html' );

我知道什么是错在这里,但不能完全弄清楚,任何帮助将大大AP preciated。

I know something is wrong here but can't quite figure it out, any help would be greatly appreciated.



$(".subnav ul li a").click(...)

$("#subnav ul li a").click(...)

由于您使用&LT; D​​IV ID =建议subnav&GT; 。使用 ID 类。

Because you have used <div id="subnav" >. Use # for id and . for class.


Update: To load content from a particular element you may use this:

$("#content2").load("abc.html  #container");

下面,的#container ID 元素,仅此元素的HTML将被加载到目标 DIV ,所以一定要使用正确的标识符。了解更多关于 jQuery的网站。

Here, #container is the id of the element and only this element's html will be loaded into target div, so make sure you use the right identifier. Read more on jQuery website.


Update: You may use one function/handler for all of your menu items:

    $(".subnav ul li a") .click(function(e){
        $('#content2').load($(this).attr('href') + ' #content');

请确保您所有的页/ HTML 文件包含同一个#内容所以每次点击任意一个菜单项,相应的 HTML 文件将被加载到 $('#内容2') DIV BT仅#内容页面的一部分,也为所有菜单项适当的链接(的href =filename.html)。

Make sure your all pages/html file contains same #content so every time you click on any menu item, the appropriate html file would be loaded into $('#content2') div bt only #content part of the page and also provide proper link (href='filename.html') for all menu items.

如果您的所有网页都没有相同的 ID #内容再加入数据目标='标识'中的每个 A 标签,就像这样:

If your all pages don't have the same id as #content then add a data-target='identifier' in each a tag, like this:

<div id="subnav" >
        <li><a href='abc.html' data-target='content'>Abc</a></li>
        <li><a href='def.html' data-target='someid'>Edf</a></li>


So in this case, you may use something like this:

$('#content2').load($(this).attr('href') + ' #' + $(this).attr('data-target'));