
2023-09-10 13:56:10 作者:葬之心海

我有一个Ajax的HTML编辑器,它上面的下拉。 在选择一个项目形成我想在下拉列表中所选项目的文本,以获得在AJAX的HTML编辑器的当前光标位置粘贴的下拉列表。 任何想法..?

I have an Ajax HTML editor and a Dropdown above it. On choosing an item form the Dropdown I want the Text of the selected item in the Dropdown to get pasted at the current cursor position in the AJAX HTML editor. Any ideas..?



Yeah at the end of the Third day I finally got a solution for my problem, posting it here so that someone can save there precious time from re-inventing the wheel.

这是我的Ajax ATML编辑:

This is my Ajax ATML Editor:

<Ajax:Editor ID="EdtrHTML" runat="server" />


I want the selected text from the dropdown to be pasted at the current cursor position in the HTML editor,so I'm calling the function to insert text(InsertAtCursor) on the "change" event of the dropdown.


As a parameter to the function InsertAtCursor i'm passing the ID of the IFrame which gets created while rendering HTML editor.

 $(document).ready(function () {
            $('#<%:DropDownID.ClientID%>').change(function () {
            var ddltext = $('#<%:DropDownID.ClientID%> option:selected').text();
            var ddltext = ' [' + ddltext + '] '
            InsertAtCursor(idofHTMLEditorIFrame, ddltext);//Function for Insertion


This is the function which inserts Text from the dropdown at the cursor position of Ajax HTML Editor.

 function InsertAtCursor(myField, myValue) {

        if (document.selection) {
            sel = document.selection.createRange();
            sel.text = myValue;

        else if (myField.selectionStart == 0 || myField.selectionStart == '0') {
            var startPos = myField.selectionStart;
            var endPos = myField.selectionEnd;
            myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos) + myValue +
                        myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length);
        else {
             myField.value += myValue;


In my case my Ajax Editor was inside an Update panel and so after a partial post back the script stopped working, and i found help here.

希望这对你的作品太...干杯.. !!

Hope this works for you too...Cheers..!!