
2023-09-11 00:37:22 作者:未央_离殇

使用MVC 4,我有一个包含一个局部视图形式的 @ Ajax.BeginForm

Using MVC 4, I have a partial view form which contains an @Ajax.BeginForm.


The form submits as expected, and the result is displayed asynchronously in my main view.


I want a condition on my controller that if a certain parameter is true on my form, then it redirects to a whole new page (instead of displaying the result in my main view).

当我试图返回RedirectToAction ,在表单正常显示,而不是忽略了AJAX和重定向到一个全新的页面的DIV整个视图显示。

When I tried return RedirectToAction, the whole view displays in the div that the form normally displays in, as opposed to ignoring the AJAX and redirecting to a completely new page.



您可以使用返回的JavaScript 来实现它。

public ActionResult MyAction()
    if (parameter)
        return JavaScript("window.location = '" + Url.Action("Action", "Controller") + "'");
    //Do something here
    return PartialView("ParitalView", Model);