什么是一个很好的jQuery /阿贾克斯收藏夹插件?是一个、很好、收藏夹、插件

2023-09-10 13:53:03 作者:两眼一睁开始竞争


I am looking for a light weight, cross-browser compatible lightbox with features of displaying a pop-up window. I want to keep the popup window to be run in the lightbox and no matter what they do in the lightbox, the lightbox should never close until it is either clicked somewhere in the black area or by simply clicking an "X" in the upper right hand corner. Does something like this exist?


我用 的fancybox 的原因有很多。有一个在 HTTP一个小参考://anirugu.blogspot .COM / 2010/07 / jQuery的-收藏夹-的fancybox-是-best.html

还有一个在 http://www.balupton.com/sandbox/jquery -lightbox /演示/ 。