
2023-09-10 13:48:24 作者:暮色倦


I have an image on the page. I'm using the AJAX form plugin to upload a single image, and after the photo has uploaded I'd like to refresh the image that is already on the page.

$("#profilePicForm").ajaxForm(function() { 
    alert("Photo updated");
    $("#profilePic img").load(function() {
    }).attr('src', '/Content/UsrImg/Profiles/PhotoName.jpg');

新上传的文件具有相同的名称作为旧的,所有需要的是一种方式来刷新图像。既然是同一个名字,缓存的方式获得 - 在这篇文章中描述的没有工作的方法




The article you linked isn't working here, but you can break the cache with a query string on the image, like this:

$("#profilePicForm").ajaxForm(function() { 
  alert("Photo updated");
  $("#profilePic img").load(function() {
  }).attr('src', '/Content/UsrImg/Profiles/PhotoName.jpg?' + new Date().getTime());


This forces the browser to check for the image again, since the timestamp is being adding to the query string, it's different every time. This means the browser just can't trust the cache anymore, since that's a slightly different server request...so it'll result in a re-fetch like you want.