
2023-09-09 22:12:10 作者:旧巷失心


I'm running an app with AdMob ads. It works nicely, but sometimes the server can't serve an ad, so I thought about serving my own ads (plain images served from my own server). Is there any way to set a callback to the AdRequest so if the request fails, the callback is called?


您正在寻找AdMob的的 AdListener :

You're looking for AdMob's AdListener:

public interface AdListener {
  public void onReceiveAd(Ad ad);
  public void onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad ad, AdRequest.ErrorCode error);
  public void onPresentScreen(Ad ad);
  public void onDismissScreen(Ad ad);
  public void onLeaveApplication(Ad ad);

具体而言, onFailedToReceiveAd 回调告诉你什么时候的AdMob无法返回的广告。让你的类实现这个接口来获取所有这些回调。只是不要忘记设置 AdListener AD浏览报

Specifically, the onFailedToReceiveAd callback tells you when AdMob couldn't return an ad. Have your class implement this interface to get all these callbacks. Just don't forget to set the AdListener on your AdView:
