
2023-09-09 22:06:57 作者:酒蚀离心人


I'm new to Rails. I'm building an app that has a user model and a profile model.

我想这些模型,使得相关联: - 在用户创建一个账户,就等于自动发送到创建配置文件页面,他创建配置文件连接到只有特定的用户。 - 只有谁拥有该配置文件,用户可以修改。

I want to associate these models such that: - After the user creates an account, he is automatically sent to the "create profile" page, and the profile he creates is connected to only that particular user. - Only the user who owns the profile can edit it.


I generated the user model using nifty_generators. When the user hits submit for the account creation, I redirect him to the "new profile" view to create a profile. I did this by editing the redirect path in the user controller. The user controller looks like this:

def create
  @user = User.new(params[:user])
  if @user.save
    session[:user_id] = @user.id
    flash[:notice] = "Thank you for signing up! You are now logged in."
    redirect_to new_profile_path
    render :action => 'new'


This was working, but the problem was that the app didn't seem to recognize that the profile was connected to that particular user. I was able to create profiles, but there didn't seem to be a relationship between the profile and the user.

我的个人资料型号列表:belongs_to的:用户 我的用户模式列表:已_ONE:简介

My Profile model lists: belongs_to :user My User model lists: has _one :profile

我routes.rb中文件中列出了以下内容:      map.resources:用户:HAS_ONE =>:配置文件      map.resources:配置文件

My routes.rb file lists the following: map.resources :users, :has_one => :profile map.resources :profiles


I have a user_id foreign key in the profiles table. My schema looks like this:

create_table "profiles", :force => true do |t|
  t.integer  "user_id"
  t.string   "name"
  t.string   "address1"
  t.string   "address2"
  t.string   "city"
  t.string   "state"
  t.string   "zip"
  t.string   "phone"
  t.string   "email"
  t.string   "website"
  t.text     "description"
  t.string   "category"
  t.datetime "created_at"
  t.datetime "updated_at"

create_table "users", :force => true do |t|
  t.string   "username"
  t.string   "email"
  t.string   "password_hash"
  t.string   "password_salt"
  t.datetime "created_at"
  t.datetime "updated_at"


To try to connect the profile to the user, I updated the profiles_controller.rb file with the following, which I basically extrapolated from the Rails Getting Started Guide. My thinking is that in my app, profiles connect to users in the same way that in the Rails Getting Started app, comments connect to posts. Here's the relevant parts of my profiles controller. I can provide the whole thing if it will help:

def new
  @user = User.find(params[:user_id])
  @profile = @user.profile.build

def create
  @user = User.find(params[:user_id])
  @profile = @user.profile.build(params[:profile])
  if @profile.save
    flash[:notice] = 'Profile was successfully created.'
    flash[:notice] = 'Error.  Something went wrong.'
    render :action => "new"



After making these updates to the profiles controller, now when I submit on the account creation screen, I'm redirected to an error page that says:

的ActiveRecord :: RecordNotFound在ProfilesController#新 找不到用户没有ID

ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in ProfilesController#new Couldn't find User without an ID


This all seems like a pretty straight-forward Rails use case, but I'm not sure which pieces are wrong. Thanks in advance for your help!


在创建用户,客户端重定向到 ProfileController可没有 ID 。您需要显式地传递用户的 ID 中的参数。这是一个成语来引用传递给整个对象,而不仅仅是ID。

When a user is created, the client is redirected to the new action in the ProfileController without an id. You need to explictly pass the user's id in the parameters. It's an idiom to pass the reference to the entire object, not just the id.

# app/controllers/users_controller.rb

def create
  # ...
  redirect_to new_user_profile_path(:user_id => @user)
  # ...

请注意,我用 new_user_profile_path ,而不是 new_profile_path 。前者是您在 routes.rb中定义的嵌套的资源。您应该删除 map.resources:配置文件,因为一个配置文件不能没有用户存在

Notice that I'm using new_user_profile_path and not new_profile_path. The former is the nested resource that you defined in routes.rb. You should delete map.resources :profiles because a profile cannot exist without a user.
