
2023-09-09 22:06:42 作者:我就这么屌!


I'm using an AdMob view in an android app, but I'm unable to get any ad into the app.


For reference, I've added the view to a ListView as explained by Dan Dyer here

编辑: 我使用GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-4.1.1。谷歌对AdMob的广告SDK的4.1.0版的发行说明说:

I'm using GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-4.1.1. The release notes of Google AdMob Ads SDK for version 4.1.0 says:

... - 增加了对AdRequest.addTestDevice()和AdRequest.setTestDevices支持()。需要注意的是AdRequest.setTesting()现在去precated。 ...

"... - Added support for AdRequest.addTestDevice() and AdRequest.setTestDevices(). Note that AdRequest.setTesting() is now deprecated. ..."


This is how the ad is inserted to my ListView:

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

  // Some other code
  // Reusing convertView etc.

  AdView adView = 
     new AdView((Activity) getContext(), AdSize.BANNER, 
  for (int i = 0; i < adView.getChildCount(); i++) {
  float density = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
  int height = Math.round(50 * density);
  AbsListView.LayoutParams params = new AbsListView.LayoutParams(
    AbsListView.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, height);

  AdRequest request = new AdRequest();

  // other stuff
  // returning convertView


I've also added an AdListener to the adview, and on every loadAd, the onFailedToReceiveAd callback method is called:

public void onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad arg0, ErrorCode arg1) {
  Log.d(TAG, "AdMob in list failed to receive ad: " + arg1.name());


In logcat I get this message:

08-17 15:22:18.065: AdMob in list failed to receive ad: NO_FILL


Can anyone tell me what this errorcode means?



NO_FILL从AdMob的返回时,有没有留下来盘点 服务于AdMob的/ DFP后端。

NO_FILL is returned from AdMob when there is no inventory left to serve in the AdMob/DFP backend.

首先,这意味着我被要求尺寸AXB的广告,但后端没有广告这种规模的左侧显示。重要的是,你请求大小已经离开在的AdMob / DFP的后端系统库存

First of all this meant I was requesting an ad of size AxB, but the backend had no ads of this size left to show. It is important that the size you request has inventory left in the backend systems of AdMob/DFP.


Second, their API states that the first time you request an ad to a specific ad unit, you should expect up to two minutes before the ads start serving. I don't know if it is because I am not stationed in the US, but these two minutes often becomes at least 20 minutes if not several hours for me.