
2023-09-08 18:50:10 作者:遗忘的爱


I'm trying to implement native ads in my android application. But I want to do it using admob only. I searched a lot for solution but could not find exact one to do so.

我知道这是可能使用 MoPub

I know it is possible using MoPub.

我想做的事情是这样的: 内部列表项,这意味着 ListView控件中的一个显示广告 / RecyclerView 项目可以是一个广告像下面的图像。

What I wanted to do is this: Show ads inside list item which means one of the ListView/RecyclerView item can be one ad like below image.


I found some links and references but that doesn't explain proper implementation of the native ads.

链接1 :本地广告概述

链接2 :DFP Android的指南>定位

Link 2 : DFP Android Guides > Targeting

链接3 :DFP快速入门指南

Link 3 : DFP Quick Start Guide


If it is not possible to do it using admob, MoPub is best solution for me right now.


Any help and guidance would be helpful. thanks.



Try using some other ad networking where it provides different types of native ads. Developers can customize the ads where to place and use it. For eg: if you need to place ads at second cell every 15 row, you can use like this.

Avocarrot 规定。

 AvocarrotInstream myAd = new AvocarrotInstream(<yourListAdapter>);
  myAd.initWithKey( "<your API Key>" );
  myAd.setLogger(true ,"ALL"); 

// Populate with In-Stream ads
 myAd.loadAdForPlacement(this,  "<your Placement Name>" );
// Bind the adapter to your list view component
<yourListView>.setAdapter(myAd);// here you are integrating ads to listview
 myAd.setFrequency(2,15); // every 15 cells starting from the 2nd cell. 


Here is Documentation it provides List ads and Feed ads.