
2023-09-08 15:40:14 作者:你的她貌美如狗


I'm in need of getting a random record from a table via ActiveRecord. I've followed the example from Jamis Buck from 2006.


However, I've also come across another way via a Google search (can't attribute with a link due to new user restrictions):

 rand_id = rand(Model.count)
 rand_record = Model.first(:conditions => [ "id >= ?", rand_id])


I'm curious how others on here have done it or if anyone knows what way would be more efficient.



I haven't found an ideal way to do this without at least two queries.


The following uses a randomly generated number (up to the current record count) as an offset.

offset = rand(Model.count)

# Rails 4
rand_record = Model.offset(offset).first

# Rails 3
rand_record = Model.first(:offset => offset)

说实话,我一直在使用ORDER BY RAND()或随机()(取决于数据库)。这不是一个性能问题,如果你没有一个性能问题。

To be honest, I've just been using ORDER BY RAND() or RANDOM() (depending on the database). It's not a performance issue if you don't have a performance issue.