如何去启动多个相同的Adobe AIR应用程序的能力?多个、应用程序、能力、何去

2023-09-08 15:31:48 作者:自欺欺人

如何能够启动同Adobe AIR应用程序多次?如何让我的应用程序?

How to be able to start up same Adobe Air applications multiple times? How to make it to my app?



Multiple instances are not supported, but you can work around it.

如果您想要的功能,以支持正在运行多次,你可以给的 InvokeEvent.INVOKE 事件的的 NativeApplication将。然后,您可以打开一个新的窗口,并使其显示在应用程序运行多次。

If you want the feature to support being run multiple times, you can respond to the InvokeEvent.INVOKE event dispatched by the NativeApplication. You can then open a new window and make it appear that the application is running multiple times.

另外,如果你只是想运行应用程序多次测试,而无需使用多台计算机到服务器的连接,您可以修改&LT的值; ID> 元素在应用程序描述符。

Alternatively, if you are simply trying to run the application multiple times to test a connection to a server without using multiple machines, you can change the value of the <id> element in your application descriptor.
