
2023-09-09 21:55:44 作者:情场浪人


I googled "as3 audio slow motion fast forward rewind" and found only this of relevance: playing slow motion, fast forward , rewind in a video player in flash video player, which briefly talks about how to fast forward and rewind a video as well as two options for doing slow motion on video. I only need audio, though.


I think I might be able to do fast forward and rewind by stopping the SoundChannel and then playing the sound at a different position using addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ~), but I'm completely lost on how to apply the advice regarding slow motion.

附注:我使用Flash CS5.5和所有我想要操作已经在库中的声音 - 我不知道这是在所有相关的,但是...嗯...是啊...

Side note: I use Flash CS5.5 and all the sounds I want to operate on are already in the library - I'm not sure if that's at all relevant, but... uh... yeah...



这看好: http://blog.andre-michelle.com/2009/pitch-mp3/