
2023-09-08 14:43:07 作者:落幕的笑靥


I need to customize my alert box with two button and both the button need to have different skins on them.


I was able to do it for one skin. But i am unable to figure out about the two skins.


My code that i have right now is below:

public function Messages():void
            Alert.buttonWidth = 100;                            
            Alert.yesLabel = "Accept";
            Alert.noLabel = "Reject";                           
            var alert:Alert = Alert.show("Accept video chat request from "+far_alias+"?", "Incoming Video Chat Request", Alert.YES | Alert.NO | Alert.NONMODAL, Sprite(Application.application), handleIncomingCallResponse, null, Alert.YES);                                                  
            alert.data = cm;
            alert.name = alert_name;
            alert.styleName = "requestVideoAlert"
            _alertDic[alert_name] = alert;

            Alert.yesLabel = "Yes";
            Alert.noLabel = "No";                           


And the Css code is below:

    background-color: #000000;
    back-color: #000000;
    dropShadowEnabled: false;
    button-style-name: cancelbtn;
    skin: Embed(source='assets/images/videoChat-cancel-button.png');


This give the same skin on both the buttons "Accept" and "Reject"


Can some one help me with this.

感谢您 ZEE


我不知道你是否已经找到了一个解决方案,但如果没有,你使用Flex 3的,我可以帮你。 这code应该做你所需要的。 更改按钮,甚至在按钮改变样式的文本。

I dont know if you already found an solution but if no and you use flex 3 I can help you. This code should do what you need. Changing buttons and even changing style for text on buttons.



        protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void


            var myAlert:Alert = Alert.show("description", "title", Alert.YES | Alert.NO);

            var arrOfButtons:Array = myAlert.mx_internal::alertForm.mx_internal::buttons;

            var button1:Button = arrOfButtons[0];
            var button2:Button = arrOfButtons[1];

            // buttons filters
            button1.styleName = 'buttonStyle1';
            button2.styleName = 'buttonStyle2';

            button1.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);

        private function onAddedToStage(event:Event):void
            // you can change text on buttons as well
            var btn:Button = event.target as Button;
            var text:UITextField = btn.getChildAt(0) as UITextField;
            text.filters = [ new GlowFilter(0x3946C0, 1, 4, 2, 8)];

         * set style of remove button for alert
        private function initButton1Style():void
            var buttonStyle1:CSSStyleDeclaration = new CSSStyleDeclaration('buttonStyle1');

            buttonStyle1.setStyle('fontWeight', "normal");
            buttonStyle1.setStyle('fontColor', 0x000000);
            buttonStyle1.setStyle('color', 0x000000);
            buttonStyle1.setStyle("fillColors", [ 0xffffff, 0xF5A2A2, 0xF5A2A2, 0xffffff ]);
            buttonStyle1.setStyle('fontSize', 10);

            buttonStyle1.setStyle('themeColor', 0xff0000);

            StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration(".buttonStyle1", buttonStyle1, true);

         * set style of buy button for alert
        private function initButton2Style():void

            var buttonStyle2:CSSStyleDeclaration = new CSSStyleDeclaration('buttonStyle2');

            buttonStyle2.setStyle('fontWeight', "normal");
            buttonStyle2.setStyle('fontColor', 0x000000);
            buttonStyle2.setStyle('color', 0x000000);
            buttonStyle2.setStyle("fillColors", [ 0xffffff, 0xBAFFAB, 0xBAFFAB, 0xffffff ]);
            buttonStyle2.setStyle('fontSize', 10);

            buttonStyle2.setStyle('themeColor', 0x7CCB6C);

            StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration(".buttonStyle2", buttonStyle2, true);

        private function initStyles():void
