
2023-09-09 21:50:51 作者:Memory倒叙

是否有可能打开over HTTP的sqlite的文件?我只需要读取数据库,并希望我可以做这样的事情:

Is it possible to open an sqlite file over http? I only need to read the db, and was hoping I could do something like:

var dbFile:File = new File("");



My situation calls for several apps compiled for various devices to share this file, which is served locally via wamp.


邮编您的SQLite文件从 db.sqlite 为 db.zip 。加载使用URLLoader和将它解压缩回弹性在这个zip文件柔性。

Zip your sqlite file from db.sqlite to db.zip. Load this zip file in flex using URLLoader and unzip it back in flex.


If not, you can also rename the file's extension to .xml, load it using httpservice or urlloader and once you get the result, you can rename the file's name back to .sqlite and start querying the file and it will work just fine.