中,拖放和复制 - 闪存AS3闪存、拖放

2023-09-08 14:26:09 作者:Scavengers[拾荒者]

我是一名老师试图让一个简单的Flash AS3游戏,学生可以拖动从AZ(影片剪辑)的任何信件了舞台上,以创建单词中间。

I am a teacher trying to make a simple Flash AS3 game where students can drag any letter from a-z(movieclips) out to the middle of the stage to create words.


I am a total amateur with Flash and so using code snippets, I have been successful in allowing users to drag and drop letters but what I would really like is for users to be able to drag and drop a letter leaving the original letter movieclip in place and clone a new one as many times as is necessary.


Is anyone able to help me with the AS3 I would need to achieve this? Many thanks.


下面是一个快速的样品。 FLA | SWF

Here is a quick sample. FLA | SWF


import flash.display.MovieClip;

for (var i=1; i<5; i++)
    this["object" + i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onStart);
    this["object" + i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onStop);

var sx = 0,sy = 0;

function onStart(e)
    sx = e.currentTarget.x;
    sy = e.currentTarget.y;

function onStop(e)
    if (e.target.dropTarget != null && 
    e.target.dropTarget.parent == dest)
        var objectClass:Class = 
        getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(e.currentTarget)) as Class;
        var copy:MovieClip = new objectClass();
        copy.x = e.currentTarget.x;
        copy.y = e.currentTarget.y;

    e.currentTarget.x = sx;
    e.currentTarget.y = sy;


Hoping you could take it ahead & turn into something useful for your kids.