我如何可以通过从PHP为ActionScript 3 /闪存阵列?可以通过、阵列、闪存、ActionScript

2023-09-08 14:02:37 作者:愿为永夜载星河


for ($i = 0; $i < 355; $i++)
    echo "vote";
    echo "$i";
    echo "=$votesArray[$i]";
    if($i != 354)
        echo "&";

这应该将数据发送给Flash,看起来像vote0 = 2及vote1 = 5和......等等

Which should send data to Flash that looks something like "vote0=2&vote1=5&..." and so on.

下面是ActionScript 3方:

Here is the Actionscript 3 side:

var i:int;
for (i = 0; i < 355; i++)
    var tempString:String = "vote" + i; 
    voteResults[i] = event.target.data.tempString;


I haven't attempted to run this yet, but I get the feeling it won't work. Can you see what I'm trying to get at, though? For each iteration of the for loop, I would like it to take the data from a different part of event.target.data. For the first iteration, it should be event.target.data.vote0. Second, event.target.data.vote1, and so on.



I would use xml for something like this, but it can be done with url encoded strings.

假设你加载了数据URLLoader和指定的DATAFORMAT为 URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES 中,你靠近。

Assuming you loaded your data with URLLoader and specified the dataFormat as URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES, you are close.

如果你有一个原始字符串,你应该先分析其分解为名称/值对。这是的URLVariables 一样。

If you have a raw string, you should parse it first to break it down to name/value pairs. This is what URLVariables does.


Anyway, once you have an object containing names/values, you can do:

var i:int;
for (i = 0; i < 355; i++)
    var tempString:String = "vote" + i; 
    voteResults[i] = event.target.data[tempString];


If you use dot access, it will take "tempString" literally. If you use bracket access, the value of the variable tempString will be evaluated.


PS: By the way, I don't think your php will do what you want. A cleaner way, IMO would be:

$pairs = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 355; $i++)
    $pairs[] = 'vote' . $i . '=' . $votesArray[$i]; 
    // you might want to use rawurlencode($votesArray[$i]) to be safe if these are not numeric values.
echo implode('&',$pairs);

PS 2:此外,这是相当脆弱,因为你硬编码355如果你改变你的PHP,你必须改变你的AS code为好。你可以尝试这样的:

PS 2: Also, this is rather brittle since you're hardcoding 355. If you ever change your php, you'll have to change your AS code as well. You could try something like this:

var data:URLVariables = event.target.data as URLVariables;
for(var fieldName:String in data) {
    var index:int = parseInt(fieldName.substr(4));
    //  or optionally, add an underscore to the name: vote_1
    //  so you can change the above to something like
    //  fieldName.split("_")[1]
    voteResults[index] = data[fieldName];


Or, as I said before, you could use xml, which is simple enough and a better option for this, I think.