
2023-09-09 21:45:51 作者:萌萌滴


I have an OOP related problem with Flash, actionscript 3. It's a personal project, and I am looking for a design pattern or workaround for this problem, and my goal is to learn new things.


I have created a class called Chain. I created this util-class to make delayed function calling easy. You can make a chain of functions, by adding them with a delay in milliseconds. This chain can be executed multiple times, even in reversed order. This class has functions which returns itself. That makes it possible to have a jQuery styled syntax like this:

var chain:Chain = new Chain(); 
// etc..


For the example I have left lots of functions just to demonstrate the problem. The Chain class is mostly pure for adding functions and start/stopping the chain.

public class Chain 
 function wait(delay:int = 0):Chain
   // do stuff
   return this;

 public function add(func:Function, delay:Number = 0):Chain
      list.push( new ChainItem(func, delay) );
      return this;


Now, I have a another class called ChainTween. I am trying to split things up to keep the Chain with some core functions and have ChainTween do some animating tricks. I had the idea to create a little tweenengine based on the Chain class. Currently it extends Chain. It uses lots of protected variables from the Chain class and overrides also some core functions for Chain to add the tween functions inside the process of Chain.

public class ChainTween extends Chain
 function animate(properties:Object = null, duration:Number = 0, easing:Function = null):ChainTween
   // do stuff
   return this;


Now this is the problem: I want to keep the chaining syntax, but wait() returns a Chain instance and Chain has no animate function.

var chain:ChainTween = new ChainTween();
chain.wait(100).animate({x:200}, 100).wait(250);


I have tried to override the wait() and add() function in the ChainTween class but this causes an incompatible override.


I could cast chain.wait(100) as ChainTween, but this is very ugly and not useful when I am chaining lots of them. Now I don't want to add any of the ChainTween functions to Chain (no dummy functions too), and I want to keep completion to all functions, so returning Object is not an option too. I tried to use an interface, but this gives the same problem, since the functions of an interface should be implemented in the class that implements it.

现在我也想过创造链中的ChainTween的一个实例,但是这并没有让我重写的功能,那么我应该做大量的公共属性,而不是受保护的,这是不是pferred太$ P $。

Now I have thought about creating an instance of Chain inside ChainTween, but this does not allow me to override functions, and then I should make lots of properties public instead of protected, which is not preferred too.


Is this possible and does anyone has a great solution for this?



This problem is quite common. The design pattern you are using is called Fluent Interface and if you Google "Fluent Interface Inheritance", you'll find lots of questions and very few answers.

一个共同的方式来解决它在C#,Java和 C ++是使用模板。但是,我不知道如何实现在AS3一样,我发现这个话题的可以帮助你。

A common way to solve it in C#, Java and C++ is to use templates. However, I cannot tell how to implement the same in AS3, I found this topic that might help you.