IIS - 使用窗体身份验证来建立广告会议AD身份验证身份验证、窗体、会议、广告

2023-09-08 13:22:42 作者:跟孤独和好


What i'm trying to do is have a forms authentication landing page where a user is presented a login. The user then logs in and is redirected to another website where it's using AD authentication without requiring the user to login again.


Does anybody have an example? Is this possible?


由于您是在同一个域中其他网站应该能够读取的第一个网站的Cookie,然后要求网站1这是谁的用户和网站1返回这是瑞安 那么网站2对用户进行验证瑞安。

Because you are on the same domain the other website should be able to read the cookie of the first website, and then ask website1 who is this user and website1 returns it is "ryan" then website2 authenticates the user as ryan.


this assumes that website2 trusts website1