Active Directory作为OpenID提供者?提供者、Active、Directory、OpenID

2023-09-08 12:29:35 作者:竹马绕青梅

可以在Active Directory作为一个OpenID提供商? WIF是一种选择,但它是相当复杂的,不是很wides $ P $垫。

Can an Active Directory be used as a OpenID provider? WIF is an option, but it's quite complicated and not very widespread.


是的,你可以。只是承载本身使用Active Directory身份验证,并公开使用DotNetOpenAuth一个OpenID提供商ASP.NET网站。

Yes, you can. Just host an ASP.NET web site that itself uses Active Directory authentication, and exposes an OpenID Provider using DotNetOpenAuth.