
2023-09-08 12:10:46 作者:千江有水千江月


I have to detect in my flash if the user closes his browser or goes to another page and the flash is not accessible anymore. How do i achieve that ?



ExternalInterfaceUtil.addExternalEventListener("window.onunload", handleLogout, "unloadFlex");

    import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

    public class ExternalInterfaceUtil
    	public static function addExternalEventListener( qualifiedEventName:String, callback:Function,callBackAlias:String ):void
    		// 1. Expose the callback function via the callBackAlias
    		ExternalInterface.addCallback( callBackAlias, callback );
    		// 2. Build javascript to execute
    		var	jsExecuteCallBack:String = "document.getElementsByName('"+ExternalInterface.objectID+"')[0]."+callBackAlias+"()";
    		var jsBindEvent:String = "function(){"+qualifiedEventName+"= function(){"+jsExecuteCallBack+"};}";
    		// 3. Execute the composed javascript to perform the binding of the external event to the specified callBack function
    		ExternalInterface.call( jsBindEvent );


I don't remember where I got this from, but I've used it and it works pretty well. Of course not all browsers are going to cooperate, but it is better than nothing...