在哪里学习ActionScript 3的?ActionScript

2023-09-08 12:00:08 作者:我爱的少年他如歌 э

我一直在学习ActionScript 2.0在学校,所以这是我唯一知道的事情,但我希望去到的ActionScript 3.0。

I've been learning ActionScript 2.0 at school, so that's the only thing I know, but I want to go over to ActionScript 3.0.


I've searched up some places to learn it, but many of the tutorials, lessons and books are for years back, so I will get errors etc, because the code either doesn't exist any longer etc.


So my question is, where should I start learning?


IF possible, I would love to have "tasks" to do, because I love having fun while learning, but of course, if it's the only opinion, then I'll learn it the hard way.



I would break your learning down into these topics, in order of priority. A Google search or look through the documentation will explain each in adequate detail.

语言基础知识 操作符。 语句,关键字和放大器;指令的。 顶级函数和类的。 在对象存储数据时,阵列和放大器;向量。 在垃圾收集。 Language basics Operators. Statements, Keywords & Directives. Top level functions and classes. Storing data in Objects, Arrays & Vectors. Garbage collection. 文档根目录。 的舞台。 的DisplayObject和DisplayObjectContainers。 在创建库的符号,并把它们导出为ActionScript。 监听和响应事件。 调度事件。 在创建文档类。 定义的类。 创建类的实例。 建筑类的实例之间的关系。