
2023-09-08 11:34:28 作者:微笑感染嘴角的无奈


我正在反复读取使用Flash&放我的服务器一个文本文件中的聊天应用程序; ActionScript 3.0中。我打开使用URLLoader文件,并能正常工作在第一。然而经过约10来电,的URLLoader卡。

I am making a chat application that repeatedly reads a text file from my server using Flash & Actionscript 3.0. I am opening the file with URLLoader, and it works fine at first. However after around 10 calls, the URLLoader gets stuck.


It does not give a completion event, does not give a security error, does not give a status event and does not throw an exception. It simply never fires any event at all. I even added a random value to the URL to make sure it is not some caching issue. I can detect when it gets stuck of course, but there doesn't seem to be any way to unstuck it. Even if I call close() on the URLLoader and then set it to null and create another one, it won't resume polling.


Below is the function that polls the server and gets called once every two seconds.

private function check_server() {
 var url:String = "http://coworkthailand.com/say/snd/index.php?"+Math.random();
 if (loader != null) {
  trace("was already checking "+loader.bytesLoaded+" / "+loader.bytesTotal);
 loader =  new URLLoader();
 loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
 loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
  function(e:Event) { loader = null; trace("fail"); })
  function(e:Event) { loader = null; trace("security error"); })
  function(e:flash.events.HTTPStatusEvent) { trace("status "+e.status); });
 try {
  loader.load(new URLRequest(url));
 } catch (error:Error) {
  trace("Unable to load requested document.");


This is not an important project, but any ideas would be much appreciated!



For this scenario, best practice dictates using a single instance of URLLoader; chances are you're getting blocked somewhere by competing calls. As well, you might try using a simple flag to detect whether your loader's busy on an existing call before making another one; here's a working example using a single loader making requests every five seconds, showing both the single loader and the "isOpen" check:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" initialize="app_init()">    

    		private var timer:Timer;
    		private var loader:URLLoader;
    		private var isOpen:Boolean;

    		private function app_init():void
    			timer = new Timer(5000)
    			timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timer_tick, false, 0, true)

    			loader = new URLLoader();
    			loader.addEventListener(Event.OPEN, loader_open);
    			loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loader_complete);

    			// Start the timer

    		private function timer_tick(event:TimerEvent):void
    			// Check if the loader's busy before calling load, and/or close()
    			if (!isOpen)
    				// loader.close();
    				loader.load(new URLRequest("http://mydomain.com/myfile.txt"));

    		private function loader_open(event:Event):void
    			// Mark as open
    			isOpen = true;

    		private function loader_complete(event:Event):void
    			// Do work

    			// Mark as closed
    			isOpen = false;



Hope it helps! Good luck.