
2023-09-08 11:11:35 作者:弑神者


I am pretty new to Access VBA programming. Here is one problem I have when creating a form in Access. I need to link the form's recordsource to a query object which I have already defined. Let's say I have field1, field2, field3, etc. in my query. The end product I would like to present is

在窗体的顶部,有几个文本框供用户的字段1输入过滤条件,场2,FIELD3 ......和 在一个按钮的点击,在与筛选条件的形式底部的数据表显示适用 除了在我的查询现有的领域,我需要包括在数据表的基础上,从FIELD1和FIELD2一定的计算结果的自定义列的末尾。有些文字可以显示,例如迟到,早或准时


I have come up with two design approaches, but due to the lack of experience in VBA programming I am not able to accomplish either one of them right now...



I have a main form with the criteria input text boxes. This main form is not linked to any data source. Then I have a subform at bottom whose data source is dynamically set by reading the text boxes' values in the main form.



I have a single form, but I shift all the criteria boxes to the Form Header section. This form has a record source from my query object. The detail section is used for displaying the data sheet with the form's filter property set to user criteria.


I am not able to do design 1 because I don't know how to set the data source for my sub form dynamically. I am also not able to do design 2 because my form's header section does not appear even I have checked in the design view the form header/footer is enabled.


What can I do to realize my form design? Any alternative design suggestions?

我使用Access 2003年这方面的发展,但我希望我的code可以升级到未来的Access 2010。

I am using Access 2003 for this development, but I hope my code can be upgradable to Access 2010 in future.




With both designs you should build the datasource dynamically, something like this:

sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTableOrQuery WHERE 1=1"
If Not IsNull(textBox1) Then
  sql = sql & " And Field1 = '" & textBox1 & "'"
End If
If Not IsNull(textBox2) Then
  sql = sql & " And Field2 = '" & textBox2 & "'"
End If


And, finally, assign the sql to the form datasource.



The below code goes in the main form, just next to the above:

SubFormControlName.Form.RecordSource = sql


要显示的控件在标题部分中,您需要将默认视图属性设置为运行形式的(我不知道extact翻译,我在西班牙访问工作) 在这种情况下,数据源被分配给主模

To show the controls in the header section you need to set the property DefaultView to running forms (I don't know the extact translation, I work with Access in spanish) In this case, the datasource is assigned to the main form

Me.recourdsource = sql

有关你的第三点: 您可以通过建立计算字段

For your third point: You can build calculated field using



or you can use conditional formatting. I think this option is most clear