
2023-09-09 21:19:19 作者:刻骨的寂寞

我使用 three.js 一个小的3D POC项目。下面的代码片段计算出新的X,Y,在轨道上绕原点的3D对象z位置(0,0,0):

I'm using three.js for a small 3D POC project. The following snippet calculates the new x,y,z position for a 3D object in orbit around the origin (0,0,0):

x = rho * Math.cos(theta) * Math.sin(phi);
y = rho * Math.sin(theta) * Math.sin(phi);
z = rho * Math.cos(phi);

在上面的例子中,的 THETA 的和的披的是已知的,用于计算新的x,y,z坐标轨道三维主体。

In the above example, theta and phi are known and used to calculate the new x,y,z coordinate for the orbiting 3D subject.


The above works well, but I also want to do the inverse.

我如何去计算的 THETA 和披的,如果我只有一个X,Y,Z点,所有这一切相对于原点(0, 0,0)?

How do I go about calculating theta and phi, if I only have an x,y,z point, this all in relation to the origin point (0,0,0)?



r = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
θ = Math.acos(z/r);
φ = Math.atan2(y, x);

x = r * Math.sin(θ) * Math.cos(φ);
y = r * Math.sin(θ) * Math.sin(φ);
z = r * Math.cos(θ);


You seem to have your θ and φ swapped the other way around (which is just a notation choice)