如何在Mac上安装Java 3D如何在、Mac、Java

2023-09-08 10:44:51 作者:偶锝cǔ恠,枳因尒

我采取了计算机图形课程,我的大学。我无法使用Java,因为我没有它正确安装3D图形。我从Oracle下载了Java 3D API。没有包含安装程序。就在原始文件j3dcore.jar,j3dutils.jar和vecmath.jar以及一些自述文件。一个读我的文件确实包含有用于安装说明的链接。它说我一定要解压缩的Java 3D 1.5.1进入JRE你的JDK的目录。哪里是我的JDK?我发现我的Java文件夹系统>库>的Java>扩展和移动文件那里,因为我看了一些其他的东西在网上。我的编码时,仍然可以在Eclipse中此错误消息:访问限制:方法[无论]从类型[无论]是无法访问的,由于限制所需的库/System/Library/Java/Extensions/j3dutils.jar。但我有这个文件正是它说,它应该是。

I am taking a computer graphics course at my university. I am unable to create 3D graphics using Java since I do not have it properly installed. I downloaded the Java 3D API from Oracle. There is no installer included. Just the raw files j3dcore.jar, j3dutils.jar, and vecmath.jar as well as a few read me files. One of the read me files does contain a link that has instructions for the install. It says I must "Unzip Java 3D 1.5.1 into the "jre" directory of your JDK." Where is my JDK? I found my Java folder System > Library> Java > Extension and moved the files there because I read some other things online. I still get this error message in Eclipse when coding: "Access restriction: the method [whatever] from the type [whatever] is not accessible due to restriction on required library /System/Library/Java/Extensions/j3dutils.jar." But I have this file exactly where it says it should be.


Java的3D版1.3是pre-安装在Mac OS X中你不应该需要安装任何东西。也许尝试把东西还给他们的方式?

Java 3d version 1.3 is pre-installed in Mac OS X. You shouldn't need to install anything. Perhaps try put things back the way they were?

如果你想升级到版本的Java 3D 1.5,你可以下载这个安装程序:的 http://create.ife.no/vr/tool​​s/j3d/java3d_1_5_2-macosx.pkg.zip

If you want to upgrade to version Java 3D 1.5, you can download this installer: http://create.ife.no/vr/tools/j3d/java3d_1_5_2-macosx.pkg.zip