
2023-09-08 10:43:35 作者:背影狠孤单

我们正试图找到一个解决运行/上没有的WebGL(办公电脑有微弱的视频卡),可以在IE8的最低运行设备创建3D动画的使用。当然,没有插件应下载。我们可以运行HTML5 / CSS3,如果我们用一个pollyfil如css3pie等。

We're trying to find a solution to running/creating 3d animations for use on devices that have no webgl (office computers have weak video cards) and can run on IE8 as a minimum. Of course, no plugins shall be downloaded. We can run HTML5/CSS3 if we use a pollyfil such as css3pie, etc.


Is it just not possible to do 3d stuff with a device that has no webgl support? Thank you.


我用 three.js 成功地与在CanvasRenderer(见画布范例)。

I've used three.js succesfully with the CanvasRenderer(see Canvas examples).

如果它可以帮助你也可以尝试一些我的旧的测试: 三角洲机器人

If it helps you can also try some of my older tests: Delta bots


Delta Cube(refresh for random shape)




这是很好的记住,移动设备可能会比较慢裸露(因为有更少的资源(CPU / RAM),可用于计算和渲染用帆布3D几何体,但它仍然是pretty的IM pressive多少可以用这么少的工作要做。所以纹理,特效等,可能是缓慢的移动,但有时限制导致原创和创意设计。

It's good to bare in mind that mobile devices might be slower(because there are less resources(CPU/RAM) available to compute and render 3d geometry with canvas, but it's still pretty impressive how much can be done with so little. So textures,special effects, etc. might be slow on mobile, but sometimes limitations lead to original and creative designs.