
2023-09-08 01:03:36 作者:你再长发及腰我就咔嚓一刀

有没有人有在调试一个64位的DLL运行/附加到64位应用程序的成功?我有德尔福code为应用程序和DLL。我可以在32位和64位调试应用程序。我还可以通过使用运行调试32位的dll - > 参数选择32位版本的应用程序中。

Has anyone had success in debugging a 64 bit dll by running/attaching to a 64 bit application? I have Delphi code for both the application and the dll. I can debug the application in 32 bit and 64 bits. I can also debug the 32 bit dll by using Run -> Parameters to select the 32 bit version of the app.


However, I cannot appear to debug my 64 bit dll by running the 64 bit app, has anyone got this to work?


根据@ evdkraan的答案

As per @evdkraan's answer

史蒂夫,有使用转换dproj文件时,与64位调试XE2的错误。见的 http://qc.embarcadero.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=100309 。这应该是固定的更新2,但还没有测试它呢。

"Steve, there is a bug in XE2 with 64bit debugging when using an converted dproj file. See http://qc.embarcadero.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=100309. This should be fixed in Update 2, but haven't tested it yet"


"I don't know whether this was fixed in Update 2 but it does now work in Update 3."