
2023-09-08 00:00:13 作者:幼儿园抢饭第一名


I have a small app that basically sets up a timer and plays sets of 2 sounds one after another.


I've tried 2 timers, because I wanted both sounds to start exactly at the same time each time. I gave the app 500ms for setting both timers before they start

    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date start = new Date(cal.getTime().getTime() + 500);

    timerTask1 = new TimerTask() { //1st timer
      public void run() {
    timer1 = new Timer();
    timer1.schedule(timerTask1, start, 550);

    timerTask2 = new TimerTask() { //2nd timer
      public void run() {
    timer2 = new Timer();
    timer2.schedule(timerTask2, start, 550);

SoundManager类是一个 SoundManager类这是基于对象的this教程。 Thew只改变我做减少了从20到2 avalible流的数量,因为我在同一时间只能播放2声音。

soundManager is a SoundManager object which is based on this tutorial. Thew only change I've made was decreasing number of avalible streams from 20 to 2 since I play only 2 sounds at the same time.

现在的问题。 它不是在相等的速度播放既不是我的摩托罗拉RAZR或仿真器。该应用程序有时会减慢,使得比预期更长的刹车。我不能让这种情况发生。可能是什么错在这里?

Now the problem. It's not playing at the equal rate neither on my Motorola RAZR or the emulator. The app slows sometimes, making a longer brake than desired. I can't let that happen. What could be wrong here?

我用很短的声音在 OGG 格式

编辑:我做了一些研究。使用2 aproaches。我被测量毫秒之间的距离的声音被解雇了。刷新率为500毫秒。

I've made some research. Used 2 aproaches. I was measuring milisecond distances between sound was fired. Refresh rate was 500 ms.

1的形式给出了TimerTask的 - 这是一个很大的失败。它开始在300毫秒,然后不断壮大,并经过一段时间(2分钟)在497ms,如果它开始作为这将是蛮好的稳定。第2的形式给出了,而在AsyncTask的循环 - 这是给我的输出从475 500毫秒,比TimerTask的更好,但仍然不准确


At the end none of aproach was playing smoothly. There were always lags



I know it may be a little too much, but you could try a different implementation of SoundPool:

public class Sound {
    SoundPool soundPool;
    int soundID;

    public Sound(SoundPool soundPool, int soundID) {
        this.soundPool = soundPool;
        this.soundID = soundID;

    public void play(float volume) {
        soundPool.play(soundID, volume, volume, 0, 0, 1);

    public void dispose() {


To use it you can do something like this:

SoundPool soundPool = new SoundPool(20, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0);
AssetFileDescriptor assetFileDescriptor = activity.getAssets().openFd(fileName);
int soundID = soundPool.load(assetFileDescriptor, 0);

Sound sound = new Sound(soundPool, soundID);




P.S. If the problem persists even with this code, post a comment and I'll get back to you.