
2023-09-07 23:48:03 作者:满身鲜花味

我在寻找一种方式来呈现JavaFX的3D透明物体。到目前为止,什么都没有。我发现问题 。有一种解决方法或者这只是我不能用?我需要的东西,除了JavaFX的(如Java3D的),如果我需要一个透明的对象?

I'm looking for a way to render a transparent object in JavaFX 3D. So far, nothing. I found issue Is there a workaround or is this just something I can't use? Will I need something besides JavaFX (like Java3D) if I need a transparent object?


正如你在你的问题Notes链接的问题,透明度不支持JavaFX的3D的Java 8.可用于Java 9.

As the issue you link in your question notes, transparency is not supported in JavaFX 3D for Java 8. It may be implemented for Java 9.

有用户提到了关于这一问题的跟踪涉及一劈到本机$ C $下了JavaFX的OpenGL管道注释的解决方法。如果你是绝望的这一功能,你可以尝试破解。如果这是不适合你,那么你就需要选择不同的技术。

There is a workaround a user mentions in comments on the issue tracker which involves a hack to the native code for the JavaFX OpenGL pipeline. If you are desperate for this functionality, you could try that hack. If that is not suitable for you, then you will need to choose a different technology.