
2023-09-07 23:38:43 作者:笑迎怀羞


I gone through various validation and Assertion of karate framework. I did not found any functionality to compare numeric values in response. Below are some examples.

1.00 和 1.0 应该相等1 和 1.00 相等


Right now there is only string comparison, so above values are giving as not equal as they are different is string format.



Of course if you try to compare two strings, it will be different ! Karate handles numbers perfectly well, looks like you haven't read the documentation or examples properly.

* def a = 1
* def b = 1.0
* match a == b

如果您的 JSON 响应以字符串形式出现,并且您确实想将它们作为数字进行比较,则需要对其进行转换.请参阅此处的文档:https://github.com/intuit/karate#floats-和-整数

If your JSON responses are coming as strings, and you really want to compare them as numbers, you need to convert them. Refer to the docs here: https://github.com/intuit/karate#floats-and-integers

* def a = 1
* def b = '1.0'
* match a == b * 1
* match a == ~~b