桌面与 iPad 上的悬停行为桌面、行为、iPad

2023-09-08 10:14:58 作者:最帅的男人

我构建了一个菜单,它使用纯 CSS 和 :hover 伪类来显示菜单.我在 iPad 上测试了这个行为,发现悬停并没有消失——即使点击其他地方也没有.

I've built a menu that uses plain CSS and the :hover pseudo-class to display the menu. I tested the behavour on an iPad and see that the hover doesn't disappear - not even by clicking somewhere else.


I already searched the Internet for solutions, but couldn't find anything useful.

当我在 iPad 上单击页面上的其他位置时,有没有办法让悬停消失?

Is there a way to let the hover disappear when I click somewhere else on the page on iPad?



I know another way to do it (but I didn't think it's much better).

要启用 css .hover 效果,您应该向元素添加空的 onclick:

To enabled css .hover effect you should add empty onclick to the element:

<div class="hoverable" onclick="">...</div>

悬停效果在您触摸元素时会起作用,但在您按住它时不起作用.而且我没有在安卓设备上测试它.但它适用于 ipad(移动 chrome 和 safari).

Hover effect will work when you touch element, but didn't work when you touch-and-hold it. And I didn't test it on android devices. But it's work on ipad (mobile chrome and safari).

附:另外我建议您在下面为所有元素添加 css 样式,用户可以触摸或按住:

P.S. Also I recomend you add css style below for all elements, wich user may touch or touch-and-hold:

-webkit-user-select: none;


This option turns off Cut/Copy/Paste dialog with element. And do not use it for all document.