空 div 悬停事件未在 IE 中触发事件、div、IE

2023-09-08 10:00:14 作者:只藏于心不表于情

我有一个 div,里面有一个子 div.每当鼠标悬停在父 div 上时,我使用 jQuery 显示/隐藏子 div(父 div 跨越页面的整个底部.宽度:100% 和高度 100px).我已经使用了 firebug 和 ie 开发者工具栏来确认父 div 在页面上.

我可以将鼠标悬停在 Chrome 和 FireFox 中的空父 div 上,一切正常.IE 要求我在里面有某种文本可以悬停在上面.div 悬停事件不会仅以空 div 触发.





<div id="toolBar">

<button id="btnPin" title="点击固定工具栏" type="button"><img id="pin" src="../../images/icons/unpin.png" alt="Pin"/></button><img src="../../images/icons/search.png" 边框="0" alt="搜索"/></div></div>

上面的 html 包含在母版页 div 容器中.子 div 被 jQuery 隐藏,带有一些悬停输入/输出事件.父 div(工具栏)始终在页面上可见.当在 toolBar 上发生悬停时,将显示子 div.

这是 jQuery 代码

$('#toolBar').hover(ToolBar_OnHover, ToolBar_OnBlur);功能工具栏_OnHover(){$(this).children().fadeIn('fast');$(this).animate({ height: "100px" }, "fast");}功能工具栏_OnBlur(){$(this).children().fadeOut('fast');$(this).animate({ height: "50px" }, "fast");}


#toolBar { 宽度:100%;高度:100px;文本对齐:居中;垂直对齐:中间;位置:绝对;底部:0;背景色:透明;}#toolBar div { 填充:5px 5px 0px 5px;宽度:75%;高度:95px;背景:透明 url('/images/toolbar-background.png') repeat-x;边距右:自动;左边距:自动;}


设置背景色或者边框就可以了 ...



I have a div with a child div inside it. I'm using jQuery to show / hide the child div whenever a mouse hovers over the parent div (parent div spans the entire bottom of the page. Width: 100% and height 100px). I've used both firebug and ie developer toolbar to confirm that the parent div is on the page.

I can hover over the empty parent div in both Chrome and FireFox and everything works fine. IE requires that I have some sort of text inside to hover over. The div hover event will not fire with just an empty div.

All plausible work arounds for this issue?


Tried all of your suggestions but nothing has worked yet.

<div id="toolBar">          
    <button id="btnPin" title="Click to pin toolbar" type="button">
      <img id="pin" src="../../images/icons/unpin.png" alt="Pin" /></button>
      <img src="../../images/icons/search.png" border="0" alt="Search" />

The above html is contained within a master page div container. The child div is hidden with jQuery with some hover in/out events. The parent div (toolBar) is always visible on the page. When a hover occurs on toolBar the child div is shown.

Heres the jQuery code

$('#toolBar').hover(ToolBar_OnHover, ToolBar_OnBlur);

function ToolBar_OnHover() {

  $(this).animate({ height: "100px" }, "fast");


function ToolBar_OnBlur() {

  $(this).animate({ height: "50px" }, "fast");


Finally here's a little css

#toolBar { width: 100%; height: 100px; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; position: absolute;  bottom: 0; background-color: Transparent;  }
#toolBar div { padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px; width:75%; height: 95px; background: transparent url('/images/toolbar-background.png') repeat-x; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; }


it will work if you set a background-color or a border ...

if you could match either of these with the existing look then you would be ok..

(a background-image seems like the most unobtrusive solution)