
2023-09-07 18:12:32 作者:麻 辣 小 魚


I am trying to do something in an if-statement, this works in every version of android (16 or higher because of the getDrawable) except Android L (tested on latest). The code is the following:

if (item.getIcon().getConstantState().equals(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.add_to_fav_normal).getConstantState())

任何帮助/提示或解释是AP preciated!

Any help/hints or explanation would be appreciated!


使用 item.getContext()。getDrawable(INT)或等值ContextCompat方法。

Use item.getContext().getDrawable(int) or the equivalent ContextCompat method.

开始在API 21中,所有的框架部件的负载可绘制使用Context.getDrawable()其中通胀过程中应用的上下文的当前主题。这基本上只是调用 getResources()。getDrawable(...,getTheme())在内部,所以你也可以使用 context.getResources()。 getDrawable(...,context.getTheme())

Starting in API 21, all framework widgets that load drawables use Context.getDrawable() which applies the context's current theme during inflation. This basically just calls getResources().getDrawable(..., getTheme()) internally, so you could also use context.getResources().getDrawable(..., context.getTheme()).

     if (item.getIcon().getConstantState().equals(item.getContext()


In general, though, you shouldn't rely on this check. There are no API guarantees around what constant state you'll receive from a particular drawable.