
2023-09-07 17:45:40 作者:何来貌美如花

有谁知道如果 在或如何我能得到的 Memcached的在Windows 64位环境中运行?

Does anyone know IF, WHEN or HOW I can get Memcached running on a Windows 64bit environment?

我设立一个新的托管解决方案,将大大preFER运行64位操作系统,并且由于它是与SQL Server数据库的ASP.Net MVC解决方案,操作系统是要么将是Windows Server 2003或(hopfully!)2008。

I'm setting up a new hosting solution and would much prefer to run a 64bit OS, and since it's an ASP.Net MVC solution with SQL Server DB, the OS is either going to be Windows Server 2003 or (hopfully!) 2008.

我知道这可能波及关于32位VS 64位服务器上的辩论,但我们只想说,我的preference是64位,而我有一些的很的好原因。

I know that this could spill over into a debate regarding 32bit vs 64bit on servers, but let's just say that my preference is 64bit and that I have some very good reasons.

到目前为止,我已经尝试了一些选项,发现的位 帮助相关的32位机器上得到这件事的(和得手后我可以补充),但由于原的Windows端口是Win32的具体,这是很难去帮助安装作为64位服务时。它也有在的libevent 对此我只能得到一个Win32编译版本的依赖。

So far, I've tried a number of options and found a bit of help related to getting this up on a 32bit machine (and succeeded I might add), but since the original Windows port is Win32 specific, this is hardly going to help when installing as a service on x64. It also has a dependency on the libevent for which I can only get a Win32 compiled version.

我怀疑是简单地载入这一切都在C ++中,打编译(对于64位)是行不通的不仅是因为在32位和64位架构的复杂分歧,但我不知道是否有人workng上让这个离地面?不幸的是,在管理code(C#)而已,否则我会尝试,并借此对自己,但我不能相信我是唯一一个我的专业知识的谎言在那里试图获得的 memcached的一个64位Windows服务器上运行的....我是??

I suspect that simply loading all this up in C++ and hitting "compile" (for 64bit) wouldn't work, not least because of the intricate differences in 32 and 64bit architectures, but I'm wondering if anyone is workng on getting this off the ground? Unfortunately, my expertise lie in managed code (C#) only, otherwise I would try and take this on myself, but I can't believe I'm the only guy out there trying to get memcached running on a 64 bit Windows server....am I??

任何帮助或建议AP preciated ...

Any help or recommendations appreciated...


是我怕我仍然在寻找一个答案 - 我所有的付出(我可怜的C ++技术),使一个稳定版本都失败了 - 我已经丢弃一台服务器和3个虚拟机的只是想出来所以现在我转向真正的专家。 有没有人打算移植这64位?或者,你真的暗示我使用MS速度呢?我的想法不寒而栗...

Yes I'm afraid I'm still looking for an answer to this - all my efforts (with my pathetic C++ skills) to make a stable build have failed - I've trashed one server and 3 VM's just trying it out so now I turn to the real experts. Is anyone planning on porting this to 64bit? Or are you really suggesting that I use MS Velocity instead? I shudder at the thought...

更新: @Lars - 我用Enyim实际上 - 它是非常好的,但是你指的是什么是一个客户端,而不是服务器的一部分

Update: @Lars - I do use Enyim actually - it's very good, but what you're referring to is a client, rather than the server part.

@DannySmurf - 我只能够安装它作为一个32位操作系统的服务。 64位操作系统将拒绝该Win32服务的安装。当然是的,很多的Win32 code可以无缝地在x64架构,因此你可以在Vista / XP 64等运行32位的应用程序(如Office,例如)或游戏,但是这并不能直接转化当谈到服务。我不是专家,我怀疑它必须与该服务需要订阅的同步或事件触发,我怀疑,64和32不玩很好。我很高兴在任何这得到纠正,但要回答你的问题 - 是的,我已经试过

@DannySmurf - I've only been able to install it as a service on a 32 bit OS. 64 bit OS rejects the installation of this Win32 service. Of course yes, lots of Win32 code works seamlessly on x64 architecture, hence you can run 32bit apps (like Office for instance) or games on Vista/XP 64 etc, but this doesn't translate directly when it comes to services. I'm no expert, I suspect that it has to do with the syncs or eventing that services need to subscribe to, and I suspect that 64 and 32 don't play nicely. I'm happy to be corrected on any of this, but to answer your question - yes I have tried.

@OJ - 非常感谢为直接的反应。我想尽可能多的,但不知道,如果任何人有意见或已经走了这条路线。也许当计算器是LIVE,那么更多的人会回应,让我知道这东西被看到,虽然我可以尝试编译它自己 - 我根本无法信任(与我的C ++经验水平),这将提供企业级的可靠性在很大程度上可扩展解决方案的这样一个关键组成部分。我认为这将需要受过教育的干预,而不是我unsanitised实验的方法之前,我也有信心。对我而言一个小疏忽,可能带来的部位了。哦......,直到下一次......

@OJ - thanks very much for the straight-forward response. I thought as much, but wasn't sure if anyone else had suggestions or had already gone down this route. Maybe when StackOverflow is LIVE, then more people will respond and let me know if this is something being looked into, and although I can try and compile it myself - I simply can't "trust" (with my C++ experience level) that it would provide "Enterprise Level" reliability in such a crucial component of large scalable solutions. I think it would need educated intervention rather than my unsanitised experimental approach before I could be confident. One little oversight on my part, could bring the site down. Oh well... till next time...


北美规模的实验室已经发布的memcached 1.4.4的版本对于Windows x64:

North Scale labs have released a build of memcached 1.4.4 for Windows x64:



更新:他们最近发布的Memcached服务器 - 仍然是免费的,但是提高了发行聚类,基于Web的管理/统计界面等。(我不涉及以任何方式),检查它的http://northscale.com/products/memcached.html和下载的: http://www.northscale.com/download.php?a=d

UPDATE: they have recently released Memcached Server - still FREE but enhanced distro with clustering, web-based admin/stats UI etc. (I'm not related to them in any way) Check it out at http://northscale.com/products/memcached.html and download at: http://www.northscale.com/download.php?a=d

更新2:NorthScale Memcached是不再作为一个独立的下载。现在,他们已经取得了它的商业无SQL数据库产品称为Membase的一部分。它可以被配置为在Memcached的-only模式运行(即没有持久性),并有一个100%免费的版本太多。看看这里: http://www.membase.org/downloads

UPDATE 2: NorthScale Memcached is no longer available as a standalone download. Now they have made it part of their commercial No-SQL DB offering called Membase. It can be configured to run in Memcached-only mode (i.e. without persistence) and there's a 100% free version too. Check it out here: http://www.membase.org/downloads

更新3:Membase的已经睡使用CouchDB和生产的混合动力产品线,名为CouchBase。他们仍然这样做提供了一个免费的社区版本 http://www.couchbase.com/download

UPDATE 3: MemBase has slept with CouchDB and produced a hybrid product offering, called CouchBase. They still do offer a free "Community" version at http://www.couchbase.com/download