带有动态列的 LINQ Pivot动态、LINQ、Pivot

2023-09-07 17:42:23 作者:抬头就是阳光

I'm trying to create a Pivot using LINQ with dynamic columns. I have created a Pivot in SQL Server where you do not know which columns are going to get used. But don't know how to transfer that into LINQ. Does anyone have links for me to get started on?


解决方案 罗林泉总领事出席拉斯维加斯 沙漠春节 庆典及LINQ步行街春节庆祝活动

    List<CustData> myList = GetCustData();

    var query = myList
        .GroupBy(c => c.CustId)
        .Select(g => new {
            CustId = g.Key,
            Jan = g.Where(c => c.OrderDate.Month == 1).Sum(c => c.Qty),
            Feb = g.Where(c => c.OrderDate.Month == 2).Sum(c => c.Qty),
            March = g.Where(c => c.OrderDate.Month == 3).Sum(c => c.Qty)

this is the answer from David B in this url