
2023-09-07 17:42:11 作者:꧁暴走的兔子꧂


I need to get a key name of JsonArray, so JSON looks like this, please not, that JSON is starting with array brackets, and inside it it has objects, that was made i guess because back end will have the ability to add objects.

    "tehnology": [ ]
    "science": []


So i need to get the names from it "technology" and "science", because json can dynamically change, how can I implement it?


JSONArray 包含的JSONObject 秒。检索每个的JSONObject 和使用键()来访问每个定义的关键的JSONObject

The JSONArray contains JSONObjects. Retrieve every JSONObject and use keys() to access the key defined in every JSONObject

 JSONArray jArray = new JSONArray(response);       
 for (int i = 0; i < jArray.length(); i++) {
      JSONObject object = jArray.optJSONObject(i);
      Iterator<String> iterator = object.keys();
      while(iterator.hasNext()) {
        String currentKey = iterator.next();