
2023-09-07 17:14:29 作者:野性入骨

根据在 3D编程的第7章的Windows(查尔斯Petzold的)的信息,我已经试图写入作为帮手功能投射一个三维点到一个标准的2D点是包含对应屏幕坐标(x,y)的

    双screenX = 0D,screenY = 0D;

    //< Viewport3D.Camera>
    //< PerspectiveCamera位置=0,0,800LookDirection =0,0,-1/>
    //< /Viewport3D.Camera>

    PerspectiveCamera凸轮= viewPort.Camera为PerspectiveCamera;

    双inputX = point3D.X  -  cam.Position.X;
    双inputY = point3D.Y  -  cam.Position.Y;
    双inputZ = point3D.Z  -  cam.Position.Z;

    双的aspectRatio = viewPort.ActualWidth / viewPort.ActualHeight;

    screenX = inputX /(-inputZ * Math.Tan(cam.FieldOfView / 2));

    screenY =(inputY *的aspectRatio)/(-inputZ * Math.Tan(cam.FieldOfView / 2));

    screenX = screenX * viewPort.ActualWidth;

    screenY = screenY * viewPort.ActualHeight;

    / *
    双xScale等= 1 / Math.Tan(Math.PI * cam.FieldOfView / 360);
    双yScale =的aspectRatio * xScale等;

    双zFar = cam.FarPlaneDistance;
    双zNear = cam.NearPlaneDistance;

    双zScale = zFar == Double.PositiveInfinity? -1:zFar /(zNear  -  zFar);
    双zOffset = zNear * zScale;

    * /







  screenY = viewPort.ActualHeight *(1  -  screenY);
把两个大小不同的等腰直角三角形三角板按照一定的规则放置 在同一平面内将直角顶点叠合 .如图是一种放置位置及由它抽象出的几何图形.A.C.D在同一条直线上.联结BD


  screenY = screenY * viewPort.ActualHeight;


另外,您可以使用OpenGL。当您设置了视区X / Y / Z系列,你可以将它留在本机单位,让OpenGL的转换为屏幕坐标。

编辑: 由于您的起源是中心。我会尝试

  screenX = viewPort.ActualWidth *(screenX + 1.0)/ 2.0
screenY = viewPort.ActualHeight *(1.0  - ((screenY + 1.0)/ 2.0))

屏幕+ 1.0将来自[-1.0,1.0]到[0.0,2.0]。在这一点,你除以2.0得到[0.0,1.0]的乘法。为了说明的WindowsŸ从笛卡尔Y是翻转,从[1.0,0.0](左上方左下)转换到[0.0,1.0](上降低)从1.0减去previous屏幕。然后,您可以扩展到的ActualHeight。

Based on information in Chapter 7 of 3D Programming For Windows (Charles Petzold), I've attempted to write as helper function that projects a Point3D to a standard 2D Point that contains the corresponding screen coordinates (x,y):

public Point Point3DToScreen2D(Point3D point3D,Viewport3D viewPort )
    double screenX = 0d, screenY = 0d;

    // Camera is defined in XAML as:
    //        <Viewport3D.Camera>
    //             <PerspectiveCamera Position="0,0,800" LookDirection="0,0,-1" />
    //        </Viewport3D.Camera>

    PerspectiveCamera cam = viewPort.Camera as PerspectiveCamera;

    // Translate input point using camera position
    double inputX = point3D.X - cam.Position.X;
    double inputY = point3D.Y - cam.Position.Y;
    double inputZ = point3D.Z - cam.Position.Z;

    double aspectRatio = viewPort.ActualWidth / viewPort.ActualHeight;

    // Apply projection to X and Y
    screenX = inputX / (-inputZ * Math.Tan(cam.FieldOfView / 2));

    screenY = (inputY * aspectRatio) / (-inputZ * Math.Tan(cam.FieldOfView / 2));

    // Convert to screen coordinates
    screenX = screenX * viewPort.ActualWidth;

    screenY = screenY * viewPort.ActualHeight;

    // Additional, currently unused, projection scaling factors
    double xScale = 1 / Math.Tan(Math.PI * cam.FieldOfView / 360);
    double yScale = aspectRatio * xScale;

    double zFar = cam.FarPlaneDistance;
    double zNear = cam.NearPlaneDistance;

    double zScale = zFar == Double.PositiveInfinity ? -1 : zFar / (zNear - zFar);
    double zOffset = zNear * zScale;


    return new Point(screenX, screenY);

On testing however this function returns incorrect screen coordinates (checked by comparing 2D mouse coordinates against a simple 3D shape). Due to my lack of 3D programming experience I am confused as to why.

The block commented section contains scaling calculations that may be essential, however I am not sure how, and the book continues with the MatrixCamera using XAML. Initially I just want to get a basic calculation working regardless of how inefficient it may be compared to Matrices.

Can anyone advise what needs to be added or changed?


Since Windows coordinates are z into the screen (x cross y), I would use something like

screenY = viewPort.ActualHeight * (1 - screenY);

instead of

screenY = screenY * viewPort.ActualHeight;

to correct screenY to accomodate Windows.

Alternately, you could use OpenGL. When you set the viewport x/y/z range, you could leave it in "native" units, and let OpenGL convert to screen coordinates.

Edit: Since your origin is the center. I would try

screenX = viewPort.ActualWidth * (screenX + 1.0) / 2.0
screenY = viewPort.ActualHeight * (1.0 - ((screenY + 1.0) / 2.0))

The screen + 1.0 converts from [-1.0, 1.0] to [0.0, 2.0]. At which point, you divide by 2.0 to get [0.0, 1.0] for the multiply. To account for Windows y being flipped from Cartesian y, you convert from [1.0, 0.0] (upper left to lower left), to [0.0, 1.0] (upper to lower) by subtracting the previous screen from 1.0. Then, you can scale to the ActualHeight.