为什么我的TabHost的的FrameLayout唯一的孩子装能见度= View.GONE?我的、能见度、孩子、TabHost

2023-09-07 16:47:54 作者:凉城故人


I'm using a TabHost to render some tabs. In the XML definition everything is set up ~normally, a RelativeLayout is the only child of the FrameLayout for the TabHost.


Weirdly, that relative layout always loads up as View.GONE. Setting the RelativeLayout's visibiltiy in the XML file does not change this. Calling .setVisibility during onCreate to manually make that RelativeLayout visible works, but feels wrong. Switching between tabs also makes the RelativeLayout visible again.


Am I missing something fundamental? Is it normal to hand-specify tabs as XML children of the FrameLayout?



I ended up spending some time reading TabHost.java and discovered what was happening.


TabHost.java (naively IMO ;) ) assumes that different tabs are attached to different content views.


Every time a content view is added to a TabSpec the visibility of the view is set to GONE.


Every time a TabSpec is added to the TabHost, the TabHost switches to tab 0.


Every time setCurrentTab is called the visibility of the View of that tab is set to VISIBLE if and only if the newly selected tab is not the current tab.


When a bunch of tabs are added for the same view:

第一的观点,并将其可见性设置为走了, 那么TabHost切换到标签0和设置视图的可见为可见, 则下一个选项卡,并将其意见(同样的观点!)都有其可见设置为走了, 那么TabHost切换到标签0,这是一个〜空操作,因为标签0是previously选择这样的观点是不转回可见。


So this was caused by using the same view for the content of multiple tabs.

所以,要解决这一呼吁: tabHost.getCurrentView()setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)。 ......将所有的选项卡后,

So, to fix this call: tabHost.getCurrentView().setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); ... after adding all the tabs