2023-09-07 16:47:36 作者:清花照凉颜

活动一开始b使用startActivityForResult,和B开始下使用startActivity。在此之后,活动堆栈A B C

Activity A started B using startActivityForResult, and B started C using startActivity. After that, the activity stack is A B C.


Now suppose, C makes startActivity call on B using FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT flag, then the activity stack will become A C B.


My question is, now, if B finishes itself, will onActivityResult() in A be called due to B's exiting?




打电话当你的活动做   和应关闭。该   ActivityResult传播回   凡经推出,你   onActivityResult()。

Call this when your activity is done and should be closed. The ActivityResult is propagated back to whoever launched you via onActivityResult().


This leads me to believe that A will get B's result even if C is in between the two.

修改 - 经过一些测试中,我发现了一些有趣的交互,这里

Edit - after some testing I discovered some interesting interactions here.


The order of events, after some logging:

系统启动 乙开始 下开始 乙恢复(带有FLAG_ACTIVITY_BRING_TO_FRONT) 乙完成 ç恢复(这是在B) ç完成 一个简历,并得到B的结果 A started B started C started B resumed (with FLAG_ACTIVITY_BRING_TO_FRONT) B finished C resumed (it was under B) C finished A resumes and gets B's result


In other words, A gets B's result as expected, but it happens after C finishes and A is resumed.