
2023-09-07 16:38:38 作者:裙裳


I wanna read in a bitmap that I have in my drawable folder and store it as a Bitmap variable so that I can set it as a background. Would the best way to do this be using a "file reader"? like

  Bitmap decodeFile (String pathName) method


Or is there a way to just set it like this:

  Bitmap bmp = R.drawable."bitmapFileName"; 


(I have tried this but returns an int, just wondering if I was on the right track)


Any help would be great :)



The R.drawable."bitmapFileName" is, indeed, just an integer, for it is an index (static integer) at your project's R class (see more here). You can load your bitmap from the resources's folder like this:

Bitmap image = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.yourBitmap);

我发现在 Android的发展共同体这code。