使用Bing地图Android SDK中为库中为、地图、Bing、SDK

2023-09-07 16:18:49 作者:我岂敢老去°


I am going to implement an in-application maps in my Android application, so my first thought was: Google Maps.

不过它不支持高速缓存 - 如果用户关闭应用程序,所有加载的地图都将被删除。后来我发现 Bing地图支持缓存。

However it does not support caching - if user closes application, all loaded maps are deleted. Then I found Bing Maps which supports caching.

目前Bing地图 Android SDK中,但它是作为一个整体的Andr​​oid应用程序。我不知道一切是如何使用它。

There is Bing Maps Android SDK, but it is delivered as a whole Android application. I do not know at all how to use it.


Are there any tutorials, examples, etc showing how to use it with custom application as a build-in activity ?


在 SDK 是一个Android项目,因此:

The SDK is an Android project, so:

从 HTTP下载://bingmapsandroidsdk.$c$cplex.com/ 解压缩它 在使用它导入到Eclipse中文件 - >导入 - >现有项目到工作区 右键单击该项目,然后选择运行方式 - > Android项目 Download it from http://bingmapsandroidsdk.codeplex.com/ Extract it Import it into Eclipse using File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace Right click the project and choose Run As -> Android Project

这显示了如何使用 BingMapView


However, I get a message on the map that says

凭据无效。注册一个开发者帐户: http://www.microsoft.com/maps/developers

Invalid Credentials. Sign up for a developer account at: http://www.microsoft.com/maps/developers


After that, you're on your own. Perhaps check out their discussion board.