
2023-09-07 15:34:24 作者:峰弟

我在我的项目为Android 2.3.3一个简单的图像,我想知道的第一个像素的颜色,并与颜色的背景颜色更换的每个像素....我什么都试过像迭代的像素和设置像素的颜色,我什么也没有......例如,与画面:

I have a simple image in my project for android 2.3.3 that i want to know the color of the first pixel and replace every pixel with that color to the background color.... I tried everything like iterating the pixels and setting the color of the pixels and I get nothing...For example,with that picture:


我想获得这样的结果是: https://www.dropbox.com /s/r9zox7zueekq2xe/img3.jpg

I want to get a result like that: https://m.xsw88.com/allimgs/daicuo/20230907/6064.png.jpg


I'm a very new developer for Android, and because of that sorry for my NAIF question!



Simply use ColorFilter to achieve this. It will replace one colour with another. Working example:

    Paint pnt = new Paint();
    Bitmap myBit = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(pathName);
    Canvas myCanvas = new Canvas(myBit );

    int myColor = myBit.getPixel(0, 0);

    // Set the colour to replace.
    ColorFilter filter = new LightingColorFilter(myColor, Color.WHITE );

    // Draw onto new bitmap. result Bitmap is newBit
    myCanvas.drawBitmap(myBit,0,0, pnt);