
2023-09-07 14:15:00 作者:樱桃味音乐

我是新来的Andr​​oid和我玩弄在这里和那里尝试一些功能。我想知道是用无声推送的方式 - 这意味着获取设备上的推送通知,没有任何警报,通知或振动 - 即无需用户意识到这一点。如果有人有一个教程,他可以参考我我会比gratefull以上。

I am new to android and I'm playing around trying some features here and there. I wanted to know what is the way to use silent push - meaning get a push notification on the device without any alarm, notification or vibration - i.e. without the user to be aware of it. If someone have a tutorial he can refer me to I'll be more than gratefull.



The default push in Android (Google Cloud Messaging for Android) is a silent push. You actually have to write code in order for the push notification to generate a notification, sound or any other effect noticeable by the user.

阅读 GCM指南。